Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quote of the Day

Once Goethe was asked, ’What is the meaning, the secret, of life?’ He replied, ’That which the plant
does unconsciously, do consciously... that is to say, grow."

Growth happens whether we are ready for it or not so throwing ourselves into situations in order to grow consciously rather than waiting for uncertainty to come knocking at our door and demand a response is a good way to consciously engage the growth process occurring throughout our lives,

Leading by Control or Example

The people who control society lead the masses through restriction and enforcement.  This causes a backlash towards authority through crime and deviance.  If the decision makers among us led by example rather than control people wouldn't have anything to rebel against, only existing methods to innovate from.  The leaders could function as the artistic and individualistic exemplars that seek to impart individuality throughout the masses.  People would choose a leader to follow until they were confident enough in themselves to lead others according to their own views.  In this way the best among us would slowly influence the masses towards their peaks of consciousness through example and encouragement.  A united society of individual enlightened persons would function much better than the presently imposed hierarchy 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Way for the Rich to Redeem Themselves

An idea: If someone could enlighten or bring real love to the super rich in our world they would realize that their hoarding of wealth for selfish ego purposes harms the rest of humanity.  They need to realize that the man on the street corner started out with the same conscious sense of self that they did and that his experiences of pain and poverty are as real as the rich's experiences of splendor and luxury.  I bet there exists a special place in hell or the cosmos for the super rich who realize their commonality with everyman and continue to hoard wealth for no perceivable reason except extreme greed.  Maybe they are reborn as dung beetles or something suiting for their shit-hoarding habits.  If these people would step down from their pedestal and realize that the world is full of people just like them with the same fragile consciousness they may have hope for redemption.  If the super-rich suddenly all experienced intense unity or the mystic experience they may even band together in order to give away all their wealth in order to enrich the living standards of all men.  If all these tycoons redeemed their greed through an act of gratuitous yet needed generosity I think god and the masses  could forgive them for their sins.  Can people really believe life is about collecting the biggest pile of shit?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Witnessing the Perfect Present

Spiritual awakening can occur gradually or instantaneously.  It really depends on the individual's experience.  Once it happens it is like seeing your life more intimately than you have ever felt it before while at the same time, having a sense of being outside your experience as an impartial observer.  Once the two states of being combine and you are both intensely in the present moment and outside of time witnessing the moment, real growth begins.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Trippy Song of the Day

Personal Time vs. Social Time

If time is classified as thought moving through space then when all thought stops so does time.  The world's technology proceeds in an effort to quicken the pace at which people can think.  We don't have any notion of what this acceleration of thinking is leading us towards except more thinking.  I believe once technology is integrated into life fully enough to become enmeshed in the experience then we will begin to live outside of time.  Living outside of time lends a sort of simultaneity to all one's actions as every action can be seen to really be occurring in the ever existing present.  When time relates to the individual and their relationship with reality rather than the individual's relationship with human society we will have an enlightened society of individualists rather than a mindless cattle herd.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trippy Song of the Day

A Reversal of Roles

Women seem to obviously be better negotiators and communicators so why is it that men who rarely can process others ideas alongside their own run society?  I believe we are in a stage of rapid male-led advancement in society that is bringing us towards some kind of impasse in time where society will return to both a balance with nature and between the sexes.  Men will return to their role of creative explorers of the mind and reality much like their hunter gatherer ancestors while women will regain their roles as the protectors and sustainers of human society.  With the two sexes integrated men will bring change from outside the system through spiritual exploration and mind expansion to the rock-solid female led base society.  Materialism has made it seem, because of physical differences between the sexes, that women are the receptive force while men are the penetrative force.  While this rings true biologically if one meditates on the difference between the male and female mind it seems men have a receptive mine while women have a penetrative one.  This denial of each sex's interior landscape in relation to their biology causes harm to the human race.