Thursday, April 19, 2012

So This is It?

The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel...And we're all on so many drugs with the television on and the curtains drawn.  We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death.

This is how it is when the west falls.

American's are drowned in a deep abyss of technological apathy.

Young people pay more attention to the short and pointless messages on their mobile phones than the actual live humans who surround them.

Text messages have sucked the intensity and reality out of conversation and make people believe that their feelings are reducible to curt messages of internet slang.

TV commercials have higher and higher production values all in an attempt to brainwash the populace into buying more crap they don't need.

Who needs a new car every year?

Or that new prescription pill that has worse physical and mental side effects than any disease it treats.

As children starve for both food and education our tax dollars go towards more bombs and tanks in order to secure the American Empire.

America's armies secure opium fields in Afghanistan in order to sedate the already apathetic masses into a downward spiral of drug addiction.

The bright and hopeful youth of the middle class, seeing no good future in sight turn to addiction in an effort to escape this soulless society.  And in so doing, become soulless themselves.

Xanax a mind-numbing and addictive substance is the number one prescribed medicine in the USA.
It helps to keep people's minds off the rising tide of shit that continues to surround them.

Cannabis, a drug used by humans for thousands of year, is illegal and heavily enforced with millions going to prisons every year for being involved with this substance which is perhaps the most benign drug on Earth.

The prison system swells with the casualties of the drug war.  And has use of hard drugs gone down?....No it has only escalated.  Stranger still, these prisons are run as businesses!

The prisons are just another appendage of the ruthless capitalist fat cats that the rest of us call, The 1%.

Why do these people feel the need for more and more wealth?  In the end when we die is it really a contest over who has the biggest pile of shit accumulated in their mansion?

The Northeast is full of "climbers" the members of the middle class who are never happy with their status and continue to strive to become the capitalist big wigs that they both loath and envy.

When will this all end? Hopefully soon.

Space in the Mind

In our culture most people remain trapped in their logical, mechanical, and concept based mind.  Allen Ginsburg said, "Recent history can be seen as a vast conspiracy to force all of mankind into one mechanical mode of consciousness."  This mode of consciousness is that of the problem-solving(or problem creating) rational mind.  The mind is used to solve problems but since most people attempt to employ their mind constantly it runs out of actual problems and begins creating self-made problems.  This puts the mind into a spiral of trying to solve its own self-created problems.  The mind can never transcend it's own interior concepts because its very foundations are built upon these concepts.  Words, images, and memories.  Experience itself is always beyond the mental concepts that attempt to encapsulate it.

The cure for this endless mental drilling is to begin witnessing the space between thoughts that exemplifies our essential being.  This silent space allows our mind to be receptive rather than constantly trying to "solve" the "problem" of reality.  As the space grows larger eventually we are swallowed up by the space and we become one with it.

The drop falls back into the ocean.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


One can never be sure how alone they really are in this universe.  The only being that we may truly be sure is real an exists is ourself.  This fact may make social interaction seem even more like a guessing game.  Social awkwardness can be overcome by acting through reflex and our natural personas responses.

Facing solipsism within oneself is the real challenge.  No matter how long we run from our inner-self we will have to face it before we leave our bodies and move on to the next dimension.  Since you are completely alone in your aloneness you might as well become your own best friend.  Accomplishing this will make it easier to become friends with others.  Embrace the inner-self so that you may have a self to share with others.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trippy Song of the Day

Women and Society

I believe that women are naturally the initiators of sex.  Although men may feel that they are in control of the courting game it is really the women that put out the sexual signals that lure men into approaching them.

Since the "Slut" term and all the baggage that comes with it is used in American society women hold back their natural inclination towards sexual activity and repress it within themselves.  This frustrates both the women and the men who are unable to engage in sexual acts because of women's fear of stigma.

If women were more comfortable engaging in the mating game and men were not so quick to put women who are empowered down as "sluts" this country would be a sexier and happier place.