Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fighting the Good Fight

It is obvious that Western Society is sick.  And in no country is this sickness more apparent that the USA.  Most of our populace is drugged out, either on prescriptions that fill pharmaceutical company coffers, or through their own effort to use whatever drugs are at hand to escape.  The average USA citizen watched 5+ hours of TV.  While drugs or TV are not bad in of themselves, there can be no excuse for this mass numbing of the American populace.  It is obvious that the populace is allowed, even encouraged, to remain this way because it allows those in control of government and money to do what they wish with little opposition.  I myself often feel trapped by this system, and, although, I have given up TV and drug addiction I find it hard to fight back without feeling hopeless.  Much like a fly caught in a giant web of a much larger spider; the harder we fight the system the more easily it absorbs us.  So I have assembled a small list of things that don't feed into the system and fight FOR positive things, rather than, against the negative.

Dropping Out
Leaving greater society to join various countercultures, either permanently or temporarily, helps one feel free to live without feeding into the machine.
  • Attending music festivals such as Burning Man help one to see how humans can create culture in new ways even if its for as little as a week....A video on the meaning and effect of festivals...Transformational Festivals
  • Joining communities which attempt to be as self-sustaining as possible and have different cultural values....List of intentional communities of this nature Intentional Communities Network
New Media
Find, create, and support new modes of expression
  • Create more media than you consume.  A great way to generate your own media and opinions and make sure you are an individual person with their own artforms
  • Use the internet more than TV...Internet, although not free from it, has much less brainwashing propaganda and advertising than TV
  • Don't go with the crowd trends...seek out community arts that YOU enjoy...
    • Local theatre and music
    • Support local visual artists by buying their productions rather than factory made object
  • BLOG!...it is free and is a great way to verbalize your views and get them out into the public.  Some people even make a living off their Blog
Avoid Corporate Entanglements
Certain things are offered my big business to make your life easier yet swell their profits and end up hurting you in the long run
  • Give up credit cards, or use them minimally.
  • Make your own fun through support of local arts or by exploring nature
  • Try to avoid big debts of all kinds
  • Get only the insurance and other monthly expenses you need
  • Don't pay for music make or find your own
  • Most books are available free online
Be the person you always dreamed of
  • Learn something new everyday, go to the library, use the internet, or talk to someone knowledgeable
  • Exercise!  Just ten minutes of walking or running a day can make a huge difference in quality of life
  • Give up addictions...don't let a chemical run your life more than your own willpower...You are always stronger...The internet has tons of methods and support groups for dropping any addiction
  • Create your own art...every person is an artist even if you start small...if you do something you enjoy it will snowball into something bigger and better
  • Organized religion does little for people but make them Sheep to a belief system(Just look at history to see the evidence)...Give up BS(Belief systems) and form your own opinions of the world.  Pick and choose from the thousands of religions on earth and create your own  cut and paste view of reality.
  • Use yoga, meditation, and psychedelic drugs as a personal practice of self-discovery and relationship with spirit.  These methods are much older than any organized religion and their belief in Dogma from written word
Don't try to change society, that's impossible, just CHANGE YOURSELF!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Camp Bisco XI

I have been meaning to write this for the last two weeks, yet, recovering from the festival itself and other obligations have kept me from diving into sharing what I witnessed at Camp Bisco XI.

This was my second Camp Bisco I have already written about Camp Bisco X from last year.  This year I believe the Disco Biscuits and everyone who put together the festival really outdid themselves.  I had a lot more fun than last year and the crowd seemed to be a much better fit than the motley crew of wookeys, biscuit heads, and fiends that attended last year.  This year the crowd did consist of mostly 18-24 year olds that were interested in ecstasy, LSD, weed, and even DMT and Ketamine.  Although I did see a few odd old heads creeping about or 16 year olds chugging beers and screaming how wasted they were.  Most of the people there seemed to fit a certain mode well enough and I didn't have any problems fitting in or making new friends.

A couple things make Bisco different than other festivals.  First of all it has a much higher percentage of women than most festivals.  Anyone who has been to the sausage fests that are Grateful Dead or Phish related festivals and shows would be relieved to see that Bisco seemed to be almost 55-60% women.  And beautiful and down to party women at that.  I didn't see too much jailbait either most of the girls seemed to be in the 18-22 year old range.  The girls had all different kinds of styles from pacifier in mouth ravers to dreadlock sporting hippies but they were all friendly and happy to be hit on by male party goers.  I myself was too locked in pure mental hedonism to worry about pussy and this year I barely did any molly which is what usually leads to in the moment hookups.  All the music went well although I was present for a few technical hiccups including Bassnectar on Saturday which seemed to anger those who had only purchased Saturday only tickets.  Those who had been there for 3-4 days already didn't seem to mind as their minds were fried enough and they had already had enough fun that they were OK with waiting the ten minutes it took Bassnectar to fix his mixer hookups.  One other general observation before I get into the personal story of my trip.  ALOT of people seemed to be headed to hospital building, why?, I don't know I'm guessing dehydration mixed with the over 90 degree temperatures each day but DAMN people a festival isn't fun if you DIE.....Drink some water...Now onto the tales of my adventure...

     This year we decided to go on Tuesday night and get a camping spot early.  I'm not sure if they allowed this in previous years but it was definitely an advantage over waking up early Wednesday morning and waiting in line all day for 6 hours.  I did that last year and I ended up missing 3 hours of music before we got inside and set up our camp.  So I set off with my old college buddies Keith and Travis along with their two girlfriends Linds and Sara.  Sara brought her 18 year old sister and a male friend Dylan, also 18.  We met up with some friends from Bucknell 3 dudes and 2 girls in upstate New York suburbs and we were off to Massapequa and the Indian Lookout Country Club for Camp Bisco XI.  The drive was easy and we laughed as we saw a few cars on the highway that were obviously also headed for Bisco.
     We got to the ticket pickup point around 10:30pm and we picked up the tickets for the few in our party who had will-call tickets and we were off to wait in line for a few miles as the cars slowly crawled into Bisco.  We were in line about 3 hours and when we got to the car searching point we wondered why it seemed they were searching cars significantly harder than last year.  Maybe because we had showed up early...The Bucknell boys in the car ahead of us were good and drunk and they searched their car especially hard and ended up confiscating an 1/8th of weed and 1/8th of shrooms...not so bad but damn whatsup with that Bisco?  We got in without a hitch and continued to the campsite.  We got a place and set up shop smoked some bowls of mary jane and went to bed, tired from the day of traveling.  During the night it seemed some Bisco goers were not OK with waiting and were screaming, "WAKE UP AND RAVE!" This was funny but I wasn't gonna wakeup...
     The next day we awoke, blazed, and began to look at the schedule as to what music was coming up.  Keith made eggs on a small propane grill and we waited around.  Skrillex was up today and we were set to go to that.  Me and Keith got left at camp as we were not gona roll on Molly yet and the others had jumped in.  Some fat dude came by and read my mind saying who needs K?!  I bought two grams of I must say fantastic K and me and Keith snorted a few bumps and took a small bump of Molly each from the filter of a P-funk cig.  We walked over to Skrillex and the shear intensity of the K and molly put us on the ground we watched the show and had strong mental trips with onslaughts of strange thoughts.  It was fun but I came to Bisco to dance and wild out, not to K-hole and sit down.  That night ended and we retired to bed.
    The day before we had gone around procuring atleast three kinds of supposed LSD in order to circumvent any bunk doses we got.  I had talked to the people we got it from extensively and it looked like I had more than enough to get really really SPUN.  So the next day(Thursday) we woke up and decided to go swim in a nearby lake before the shows started.  We made it to the lake and some old guy in a trailer(Bill) allowed Bisco peeps to swim off of his landing on the lake.  The lake felt great as we had bumped K before going and it rejuvenated everyone who went.  On the way back we were stopped to check our wristbands and the old dude at the gate was checking bags..."SHIT!" I thought, as I brought all my drugs in my backpack to walk to the lake.  I hid the K but I didn't have time to hide my LSD or DMT.  And he confiscated it all, although he allowed me to keep my bud.  This sucked, was probably $200 worth of shit and he just took it and pocketed it or threw it out...I don't know which.  This put me in a bad place for a while but I ended up scoring a few more hits of L for the next day anyway and I resolved to have fun anyway.  I saw the shows bumpin K the whole time melting into the crowd and forgetting who I was or where I was.  K at a concert is nuts compared to being at your house or a party.  Although I couldn't hole because my tolerance was too high and I didn't wana do that much because I knew it would have me pissing every 10 minutes which isn't fun at a festi.  So that night petered out and I was ready for friday the day of LSD.

    I woke up ate some eggs and hotdogs and dropped my L and decided to go with the Bucknell boys rather than my old friends in order to venture into the unknown.  I ate two sour patch kids dips in supposed L and went to the label tent to see Orchard Garden.  Those guys were Sooooooo Chill real nice downtempo beats, especially for comin up on L, after that we saw some little short white dude who was playing some super badass dark shit...I forget his name but it was wild.  At this point I realized the two hits I ate were not LSD, probably DOC or some other shitty RC.  So I ate two hits from our neighbor at the campsite.  These kicked in and I was on alot of DOC and LSD as Blockhead came on.  He was chill but his trip-hop beats were not sitting well with me and I had to dip out without even telling my friends I was headin back to camp.  I came out of the dance tent and I was tripping ballsacks.  I mean HARD everything was wavering and my mind was having thoughts of the cosmos and the space-time continuum.  I also felt like I was reading everyone's mind that I made eye contact with and they all seemed to be thinking daaaamn that guy is tripping hard.  So I made it back to camp without going psychotic or losing my shit and went into my tent to wait it out.  I still felt like I was feeling anyone who was on LSD around me in my head and it began to feel pretty good in the safety of my tent.  Sitting in a tent tripping as everyone has fun outside kinda brings you back to a good place and I got out of there after like 20 minutes and sat at camp waiting for friends to return.  They got back and asked me where I went...we laughed about it and tripped at camp for a while until the night shows camp up and we went out.  Amon Tobin was supposed to have some crazy visuals but they were some lame boxes with lights on them and DAMN even still trippin Amon Tobin's set was too artsy for me it was like some sound art shit and didn't have any kind of beat to dance to.  I did see a hilarious totem pole in the crowd, some guys had impaled a life size sex doll and were shaking it around haha that was just the funniest of many totems.
     That LSD trip was real deep and gave me a good feeling of being home at Bisco that lingered throughout the remaining 2 days or so.  The next day I bought 5 grams of shrooms trading a G of Ket and planned to eat them possibly that night.  I went to a show with my old college roommate Trav who had lost his gf in the course of the day and we bumped some K until some dude came up and offered us Mescaline. It looked legit so I bought a hit for each of us.  We asked what it was like and the dealer's friend claimed, "It made him feel like an owl."  Haha, that was enough of a review for me and we each dropped a hit.  It was subtle and I wish I took more but daaaamn that was a great festival drug.  Would definitely do again.  It was somewhere in between LSD and Molly with a pleasurable bodyload and a real organic rather than chemical signature on the mind.  People were asking me what I was on during Bassnectar because my dance moves were rather impressive and I was doing handstands; they were jealous when I told them I found Mescaline.  Bassnectar recovered nicely from his technical hiccup and said, "I love you guys, and this is for you, except that guy who threw the big glowstick at me, FUCK YOU."  Haha goodstuff.  His set really got the crowd moving in the best way possible it was his 5th Bisco so he knows how to treat that extremely "OUT THERE" crowd.  Then came my favorite part of the trip the last night  in the dance tent.
     Most of the show was dubstep or electro house and the Dance tent was playing some straight fun ass  old school house and everyone there seemed to be having a ball.  I ended up dosing on Molly and eating a 1.5gram hit of shrooms and boy I felt fucking great.  The dancing was so smooth and I was pure happiness.  The shrooms made all the colors pop and all the personal problems in my mind seemed so obviously fixable.  I stayed out till around 4 that night hitting up campsites with music after the official sets closed down and had a blast.  Bisco is definitely made to be seen tripping if you can handle the intensity.  Next year I honestly wouldn't do K or molly but would rather do Mescaline, Mushrooms, and LSD the whole time.  This lead to the funnest dancing and the best interpersonal interactions.
    I will likely be attending next year and will be sure to avoid those stupid bag searches....all in all a great trip fun-wise and learned alot in my trips.

Propaganda about Propaganda

Very interesting video supposedly made in North Korea as propaganda about Western culture and it's use of propaganda to control the populace.  The video talks about what is wrong with the West and obviously exaggerates things in order to support its North Korean point of view, yet, it is eerily true in its portrayal of Western sociological problems and hierarchical control...You decide how true it is

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cyber Nomads

Mankind began as nomads.  We left Africa for continents unknown in small roving bands of a few families.  Mankind went where food was available which usually meant following hoofed grazing animals during their migrations.

As civilization came to bear humans settled down into stationary lives where only a few elect individuals(Royalty, soldiers, merchants, adventurers, and explorers) Were able to travel more than a few miles from their place of birth.

Now travel has been brought to the masses in the form of planes, trains, and automobiles.  Even the poorest of the poor can pick up and move to another area if they deem it necessary.  Although, the richest among us in their private jets enjoy the ability to travel more easily.

With the rise of the internet and the straining of natural resources it seems humans are on the verge o becoming sedentary again.  People and the powers at be are beginning to see our society of mass transit is putting a strain on the earth through use of resources and pollution.  Telecommuting through computers is becoming a desirable alternative to commuting in traffic to an office.

Although face to face social interaction will always hold importance it seems like more and more jobs could be done from home through an internet connection.

Maybe we will be left to satiate our nomad spirits through virtual realities...