It is obvious that Western Society is sick. And in no country is this sickness more apparent that the USA. Most of our populace is drugged out, either on prescriptions that fill pharmaceutical company coffers, or through their own effort to use whatever drugs are at hand to escape. The average USA citizen watched 5+ hours of TV. While drugs or TV are not bad in of themselves, there can be no excuse for this mass numbing of the American populace. It is obvious that the populace is allowed, even encouraged, to remain this way because it allows those in control of government and money to do what they wish with little opposition. I myself often feel trapped by this system, and, although, I have given up TV and drug addiction I find it hard to fight back without feeling hopeless. Much like a fly caught in a giant web of a much larger spider; the harder we fight the system the more easily it absorbs us. So I have assembled a small list of things that don't feed into the system and fight FOR positive things, rather than, against the negative.
Dropping Out
Leaving greater society to join various countercultures, either permanently or temporarily, helps one feel free to live without feeding into the machine.
Dropping Out
Leaving greater society to join various countercultures, either permanently or temporarily, helps one feel free to live without feeding into the machine.
- Attending music festivals such as Burning Man help one to see how humans can create culture in new ways even if its for as little as a week....A video on the meaning and effect of festivals...Transformational Festivals
- Joining communities which attempt to be as self-sustaining as possible and have different cultural values....List of intentional communities of this nature Intentional Communities Network
Find, create, and support new modes of expression
- Create more media than you consume. A great way to generate your own media and opinions and make sure you are an individual person with their own artforms
- Use the internet more than TV...Internet, although not free from it, has much less brainwashing propaganda and advertising than TV
- Don't go with the crowd out community arts that YOU enjoy...
- Local theatre and music
- Support local visual artists by buying their productions rather than factory made object
- BLOG! is free and is a great way to verbalize your views and get them out into the public. Some people even make a living off their Blog
Certain things are offered my big business to make your life easier yet swell their profits and end up hurting you in the long run
- Give up credit cards, or use them minimally.
- Make your own fun through support of local arts or by exploring nature
- Try to avoid big debts of all kinds
- Get only the insurance and other monthly expenses you need
- Don't pay for music make or find your own
- Most books are available free online
Be the person you always dreamed of
- Learn something new everyday, go to the library, use the internet, or talk to someone knowledgeable
- Exercise! Just ten minutes of walking or running a day can make a huge difference in quality of life
- Give up addictions...don't let a chemical run your life more than your own willpower...You are always stronger...The internet has tons of methods and support groups for dropping any addiction
- Create your own art...every person is an artist even if you start small...if you do something you enjoy it will snowball into something bigger and better
- Organized religion does little for people but make them Sheep to a belief system(Just look at history to see the evidence)...Give up BS(Belief systems) and form your own opinions of the world. Pick and choose from the thousands of religions on earth and create your own cut and paste view of reality.
- Use yoga, meditation, and psychedelic drugs as a personal practice of self-discovery and relationship with spirit. These methods are much older than any organized religion and their belief in Dogma from written word