After realizing our self's inherent nature as the void or nothingness a gap begins to form between our mind full of desires, and our actual mystical experience. Our whole life is spent chasing different desires down numerous paths that all eventually bring us back to our naked empty self. Once one sees that meaning in life is self-created then we can begin to direct and star in an epic of our choice. The despair that may occur once one realizes that there is no inherent meaning in life can be filled with self-created meaning that benefits both our self and others.
I know I've spent months paralyzed by the lack of meaning or direction in my life but these downs have slowly transformed into ups. I no longer utilize effort to achieve my goals but rather, I get out of the way and life happens. This new mode of living frees up willpower from its usual occupation as a controller of self and allows me to use the will for creative endeavors.
Rather than an all encompassing meaning overlaid over my life each moment presents its own unique meaning to my self.