The mind is often called the final obstacle to enlightenment by many mystics and masters. Attempting to fight the mind into submission only brings a stronger mind to bear. The actual path towards freedom from uncontrollable chatter of the mind is a letting go of effort to subdue the mind and the allowing of the natural mystic merging that existence permits. Osho, as always, describes the slipping into no-mind clearly...
When satori happens or when drilling stops and mind functions no more you may feel for a single moment that you have gone mad, but in fact there is now no possibility of going mad because only a mind can go mad. Now that the mind is no more you cannot go mad. For a moment the idea of madness may come to you -- because you have lived with the mind so long and suddenly it has stopped. You will be in an emptiness. That emptiness is very, very scary. It is like death. You are disappearing, losing identity. It is very paralysing -- for a single moment.- Osho
Thinking of this experience I am reminded of the scene in Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey near the end of the film where dave shuts down Hal-9000's mainframe slowly but surely. Hal slowly loses mental capacity before finally regressing into a childlike memory. "I'm Afraid, Dave...I'm Afraid." The fear that occurs during this experience is extraordinary yet coming out upon the other side, like Dave, we become something else...
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