“If the world is saved, it will not be saved by old minds with new programs but by new minds with no programs at all.”
Daniel Quinn
Our society is not working, most of the world will agree. No matter how many more police we hire, gadgets we create, or TV shows we watch nothing improves. The programs those who wish to control enact upon us only plunge us deeper into collective apathy and ennui.
Most of America is populated by homeowners with several children who are vaguely aware of the fact that our way of life is not sustainable, keeps billions in poverty, and is poisoning the very planet we live on. Most of these people just continue to watch TV and hope that someone smarter than them is solving the problems.
Is this a world we want to leave our children with? A big crowded and polluted mess of a planet. Where the rich live like they are apart from the rest of the world in their pleasure dome fantasy houses. The middle-class is educated enough to be aware of these facts but feels powerless to help. Not to mention the poor who live in such a state of despair that the intensity of deprivation can not even be fathomed by the rich who pay thousands for therapists because they are not happy in their mansions.
What is this great social machine we are all apart of? Why do we feel locked into its mechanisms?
This social machine is much like every other government/economy in history, a method to funnel wealth from the masses, to those in power at the top of the pyramid.
While certain parts of the society are integral to keeping the world fed most of the jobs within the social construct are extraneous and harmful.
Think, does your job help other people to enjoy their lives?
Does your job help to advance the consciousness of humanity?
Does your job atleast help to advance your own consciousness?
If not, then why do you continue to show up?
Because the food in this society is under lock and key. And if you don't feed your productive value into the system you will struggle to find food or end up hungry. This method of keeping food protected against all those who don't contribute to the system causes despair in the poor and obliges everyone else to continue in the jobs they hate.
There is only one sane solution, walk away. We don't need any of this. Mankind was not made to slave away for another man in order to survive. Work is a part of life but life isn't work. Life is about interpersonal relationships and raising your own and others' consciousness. Obligatory work in meaningless fields and positions arises from the greed of those at the very top. This "1%" has risen to the top because of a combination of old money and sheer disregard for the well being of fellow people. The most ruthless and psychotic among us rule us. Does this society have any kind of long-running future? I hope not.