Sunday, July 24, 2011


I once heard a story about two magician's apprentices that were at the last leg of the training with their master.  The two young men had both undergone identical training under the older and wiser magician's guidance.  When they sensed their training was coming to an end the master magician sat them down and told them that they had but one test to complete.  After this test one of them would become a black magician, and the other, a white magician.  The day of the test the elder magician began them on a journey that would last many days and would lead them to the edge of the world.  When they arrived at the edge of the world both young magicians looked over and saw the ambiguous and infinite abyss that lay before them.  They both recoiled in fear.  The elder magician sat them down and told them that their final test was to jump over this cliff into the unknown.  One apprentice turned tail and sprinted back to his village to become the town magician.  The other held his nose and took the plunge.  The one who jumped became the white magician.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camp Bisco X

I am still recovering from the 3 days of unbridled spiritual hedonism that were Camp Bisco X.  It was my first time attending such an event and though the experience was largely positive from my current temporal perspective I believe I went unnecessarily hard on psychoactives.  Every thing one could imagine was available, especially, k, molly, and lsd.  The dealers were bold and walked around the festival announcing their wares.  Shouts of K! accompanied the pounding dance music throughout the venues.  This atmosphere did not surprise me as I myself had brought quite a large stash of molly, uppers, and downers.  I ended up rolling all three days which was a mistake, but this occurred because I already had my molly so it was the most easily available.  The downers and uppers helped the molly come up and downs but definitely contributed to me feeling like I got hit by a train once I got home.  Most of the time I chilled with my campmates or just let the music flow through my body into some absurd dance moves.  The venues were all ridiculously lit and covered with lasers, smoke, and strobes.  Although I was only rolling I experienced some real trippy visuals in relation to the lasers, which were of every color conceivable.  People in the front tended to dance and looked as if they were rolling while the trippers and high people stuck to the back lawn and laid on towels or blankets.  All the shows I saw were great but especially the disco biscuits, who brought a real intense energy to their namesake event.  Bassnectar also killed it the last night with some drops that caused screams throughout the audience.  Pretty Lights played last and his show was especially ridiculous light-wise.  Lasers of every color conceivable mixed and mingled out of the dance tent.  Can't miss Shpongle-Live which had a trippy ass show during a thunderstorm that came and went with their set.  The drops and visuals for this show were especially decadent and out there, but enjoyable as shit.  The place did seem overly crowded with 40,000 in attendance and I remember rolling ass waiting for very long lines at some points.  All in all a positive musical experience although my brain and body aren't thanking me now.  Funny story from the event: I was standing outside the dance tent with my friend watching pretty lights the last night of the show we were rolling but not hard because it was the 3rd night in a row.  In front of me walks a dealer yelling, "K!, Molly!, Doses!" most people seem to ignore him because it's late and they're already fucked up.  But out from behind me comes this wookie guy, probably 25-28 years old, with full shoulder length dreadlocks and dreadlock beard, wearing some kind of afghan material robe, he paws up to the dealer on all fours and meows like a young kitten, "Meow, meooow, meow" The dealer turns around and is like, "Aww Johnson(he obviously knew this character) Do you even have money?" he says in perfect stoner english, "Nah man but I got you." The dealer reluctantly cuts him a line, which he nails and then asks for another.  The dealer acquiesces and then begins to berate the guy that he has to help him sell this shit all month.  The wookie dips quickly looking satisfied as a kitten.  I don't know if these guys were festival chasers but they were ridiculous.  Another awesome part of the show was the Philadelphia Experiment which was a fireball show in-tune to music which went every night 12-3am.  The wave of heat that hit you when the fireballs went off was intense and I found myself dancing off my comedown here most of the nights.  They had a massive rigging of about 12 propane tanks attached to fireball condenser sticks all this in time to some generic club music.  Also they had slamming female representatives who were a joy to talk to and look at, rolling face.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Creative Responses to Chaos

When a seed
—or an animal
—or a man is ripe,
it must mature
to its next phase.
Or rot.Stewart Edward White

At some times in my life I have felt as is I was stuck in mud or, running on a treadmill.  When I had a moment of lucidity and realized my situation I was spurred towards a new mode of living.  Novelty is required at certain points in life to bring us out of our comfortable habits and into a new(and hopefully) improved way of living.  Novelty can appear in our material daily existence, our inner logical thought streams, through an external event, and especially personal experiences such as, dreams, trips, and realizations.  It doesn't matter where it originates from, but, its effect on our lives depends on our personal reaction to it.  One event may require you to change your morning commute another, your entire view on life and the universe.  These events(chaos) and our reaction to them(creativity) are one of the most integral parts of being human.  Increasing one's ability to adapt to chaos from the outside and the inside is crucial to surviving in these trying times.  Shed those extraneous parts of your life so that you may uncover the inner core of your being in those things you truly enjoy.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Eschaton is becoming Immanent

Change on the Earth is accelerating.  Human activity is accelerating the earth into some kind of transitory  phase that is not only going to change the form of human life, but, all life on earth.  The internet is an example of the obvious  increasing physical and mental connections made between humans throughout the earth.  Connections are also growing between man and nature(life outside man) and between man and his inner true self(spiritual enlightenment).  Those who have felt their connections to nature and inner self strengthen recently know the sensation.  That inner-drive that takes us towards novelty and away from the herd-mentality.  The exponential change is obvious even to those who are asleep at the wheel of their lives, cut-off from themselves and nature in the confines of global capitalist culture.  Even these 'sheeple' of the nation-states can see that technology is now moving almost too fast for a person to stay up to date.  Little do they know that this acceleration is only an echo of the acceleration occurring within every human brain.
Our brain's are changing, moving into a state that has never occurred throughout the human race before.  We are adapting to exponential change by going through exponential change, internally.  Or, our inner change could be what has been causing the outer change, it doesn't matter.  People are apt to fear the change; what could get better in a world of war, poverty, crime, apathy, and homogenization?  Could it b e that when all our problems have reached the ultimate manifestation, a solution arises?  There is an idea that all this great pressure from our problems could force a crystallization of a solution, much like coal transforming into a diamond under immense pressure. Wishful thinking?  What the world will be like on the other side is anyone's guess but I'm one to hope it will be a place of increased humanity, culture, appreciation of nature, and spirituality.  Since, the critical mass for change is already here, the only thing that still must appear is the one event, idea, or person that will open the floodgates and unleash chaotic change upon the world.