Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Eschaton is becoming Immanent

Change on the Earth is accelerating.  Human activity is accelerating the earth into some kind of transitory  phase that is not only going to change the form of human life, but, all life on earth.  The internet is an example of the obvious  increasing physical and mental connections made between humans throughout the earth.  Connections are also growing between man and nature(life outside man) and between man and his inner true self(spiritual enlightenment).  Those who have felt their connections to nature and inner self strengthen recently know the sensation.  That inner-drive that takes us towards novelty and away from the herd-mentality.  The exponential change is obvious even to those who are asleep at the wheel of their lives, cut-off from themselves and nature in the confines of global capitalist culture.  Even these 'sheeple' of the nation-states can see that technology is now moving almost too fast for a person to stay up to date.  Little do they know that this acceleration is only an echo of the acceleration occurring within every human brain.
Our brain's are changing, moving into a state that has never occurred throughout the human race before.  We are adapting to exponential change by going through exponential change, internally.  Or, our inner change could be what has been causing the outer change, it doesn't matter.  People are apt to fear the change; what could get better in a world of war, poverty, crime, apathy, and homogenization?  Could it b e that when all our problems have reached the ultimate manifestation, a solution arises?  There is an idea that all this great pressure from our problems could force a crystallization of a solution, much like coal transforming into a diamond under immense pressure. Wishful thinking?  What the world will be like on the other side is anyone's guess but I'm one to hope it will be a place of increased humanity, culture, appreciation of nature, and spirituality.  Since, the critical mass for change is already here, the only thing that still must appear is the one event, idea, or person that will open the floodgates and unleash chaotic change upon the world.

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