Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Creative Responses to Chaos

When a seed
—or an animal
—or a man is ripe,
it must mature
to its next phase.
Or rot.Stewart Edward White

At some times in my life I have felt as is I was stuck in mud or, running on a treadmill.  When I had a moment of lucidity and realized my situation I was spurred towards a new mode of living.  Novelty is required at certain points in life to bring us out of our comfortable habits and into a new(and hopefully) improved way of living.  Novelty can appear in our material daily existence, our inner logical thought streams, through an external event, and especially personal experiences such as, dreams, trips, and realizations.  It doesn't matter where it originates from, but, its effect on our lives depends on our personal reaction to it.  One event may require you to change your morning commute another, your entire view on life and the universe.  These events(chaos) and our reaction to them(creativity) are one of the most integral parts of being human.  Increasing one's ability to adapt to chaos from the outside and the inside is crucial to surviving in these trying times.  Shed those extraneous parts of your life so that you may uncover the inner core of your being in those things you truly enjoy.

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