Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Humanity's Teen Angst

The greatest is within the smallest.
-Lao Tzu

Mankind's history seems to mirror the personal development of one single man.  When we were hunter gatherers we existed with vast potentiality and a love for all that surrounded us in nature.  The heavily engrained ego self-images of man we call religion and philosophy still paled in comparison to the vast raw spiritual experience man found himself taking part in.  In these early years man was close to his mother(the earth) and tried his best to act in accordance with her wishes.  As time went on man began to feel that he was more important than the earth he sprang from and cities, agriculture, and organized religion arrived to place man in a state of  circuitous self-reference that excluded his relationship with nature and the earth.  Much like the young child who has just learned how to speak and believes he knows everything.  Recently, just like a rebellious teen gravitates to beer and cigarettes humans have begun to poison their collective body, the earth, in an effort to reach some unforeseen future.  We have even made a prodigal journey to the moon believing that our mission was to leave the earth.  Like a teen who leaves home only to sadly trod back in the door days later.  More and more, we are feeling that all these self-driven strivings for dominance and independence from the natural matrix are ill-begotten.  Humans are beginning to see that our destiny originates from the past as much as it echoes from the future.  We cannot escape our origins, we must rather, build a new foundation upon what we always were with what we have learned in the millennia of civilization.

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