Thursday, September 29, 2011

Struggle Between Spirit and Matter

Within man is the feeling that he exists as something more than the body and the encompassing reality the body resides in.  Glimpses of this "other" self appear at times of increased stress such as near death experiences or intense hallucinogenic episodes.  The enlightened men of the ages were people who could sustain contact with this alien, spiritual, and infinite self.  The contact with this other self inside oneself leads man to rebel against his nature or the current energy waveform we find ourselves in.  Man senses he is more than he perceives and exists as, so, he tries to escape what he feels is a prison of his true being.  This feeling led man away from his hunter-gatherer origins into agriculture and civilization.  As capitalist ego-driven global society breaks down we are beginning to see that we were wrong to deny our origins and that we'd be better off embracing our current state of being and all that it entails while still serving the outside perspective of witnessing buried deep within our being.  Organized religion has always suppressed the body and nature in favor of a moral, ego-driven, and abstracted service to what it believes is the only source of our being, our contact with the transcendent.  What the major organized religions missed was the fact that our nature exists to act in tandem with our spiritual connection so we may spiritualize the matter outside us while materializing the spiritual within us.  Our transcendent spiritual connection to infinity and our limited bodies are both divine in origin and operate best in tandem.

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