Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Pain of Separation and Duality

When one is involved in a spiritual practice, such as: hallucinogens, meditation, yoga, tantra, etc.  One will come to a difficult point in their practice where they begin to see wrong throughout all aspects of their normal life.

One may have trouble relating to friends, parents, teachers, romantic partners or neighbors.  It may feel like all of these people are against one's self and are hindering one from progressing spiritually.

One may find fault in their daily routine such as their job or usual pleasurable habits.

The desire to "renounce the world" and go practice in seclusion may begin to enter one's mind.

This part of the spiritual path is often referred to as, "The Dark Night of the Soul."  It can be a dark time indeed and can truly feel like all is wrong in one's life.  One may question their whole spiritual practice, as they believed spiritual practice would help them feel, "good".  At this point one may feel anything but good.

The thing to do when one hits this wall is not to cut-off contact with all personal relationships, quit their job, or renounce the world.  But, rather, realize that the pain one is experiencing stems from their inner-realization of separateness and duality within their experience of reality.

One is actually just realizing how painful the false duality we impose on reality is, but, the mind tries to blame this intense feeling on aspects of our daily life.

The only remedy for this is trudge through the pain, not make any hasty decisions or lash out at others, but, to continue practicing and see through the false duality binding us to a world of pain.

KEEP PRACTICING and you will come out the other side.

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